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Facebook Addiction?

computer addictionDo you find a compulsion to constantly check your Facebook account? Do you find yourself thinking about who might have left a message on your wall on Facebook? Do you stay up late at night or rise early in order to add to your farm on facebook? You may have developed an addiction to using Facebook that is slowly consuming your time, energy and life.

If one or more of the above descriptions applies to you, it may or may not be helpful to know that you are not alone. Other good people just like you who want happy and fulfilling lives have developed these same patterns and habits.

Unless, you change, you may find the following will happen or already has happened in your life:-

An internet addiction may lead to:-

  • A nagging sense that you are wasting your life
  • A feeling of helplessness at not being able to stop
  • Difficulties in your personal relationship (wife, husband, partner, lover)
  • A sense of shame leading to poor self esteem
  • Procrastination and putting off other tasks you know you should do
  • A withdrawing from social interaction, events, and other missed opportunities

As a consequence of the above aspects, your life can start to change to a less than healthy existence.

Facebook Addiction – Social – Dating Website Addictions

computer addiction On Facebook a competition can develop about who leaves the most interesting comments or who is doing the most intriguing thing with their life. You might feel the need to compete with others on the number of fans you have. Getting more fans and constantly updating your activity might provide some satisfaction in the short-term. In the long-term they can lead to losing your self confidence and your sense of yourself if you allow Facebook activities to dominate your life.

Hypnotherapy and Facebook Addiction

Hypnotherapy can help you to start making positive changes to your life. In reading this webpage you already know that you need to have a healthier lifestyle and that your addiction is not likely to change by itself. Hypnotherapy is particularly effective at looking at the causes of an addiction. An addiction occurs because some need was not being fulfilled or there was a need to escape from reality into a semi-real or fantasy world. Once a cause is identified, self hypnosis can then help you make changes to your life. Just imagine feeling more in control and more confident.

What will you do with your life when you feel more confident and more empowered?
Hypnotherapy in Derbyshire, along with your own desire can help make the changes you want to make bringing you better confidence and self-esteem.

If you want to know more about I how I can help you with hypnosis and the role you can play in your own success, click on email me or telephone me Steven Harold , on 01773 436796 now !
